Adlib Patch Resource Format Revision 1 Ravi I. Mar. 11, 2002 Preface The Adlib patch resource defines instruments for the Yamaha OPL2 FM synthesis chip. Other cards, including the original SoundBlasters, that had the same or compatible chips also used the Adlib patch. The patch is traditionally numbered PATCH.004 or 4.PAT. Sierra does not seem to have changed the format of its Adlib patch resource through the entire life of SCI. This file format applies to all IBM games. Please post comments or questions to the SCI webboard: More SCI information is available on the WWW at The FreeSCI Project Homepage The Ultimate AGI & SCI Web Site The latest version of this specification should be available at You can contact me personally at, but I would prefer that SCI messages be posted on the webboard so everyone can see them. File Format The first two bytes of an extracted patch file contain the bytes 89h 00h identifying a patch resource. These are not actually part of the resource data. Patch files contain a block of 48 instrument definitions followed optionally by the magic number ABh CDh (CDABh when read into a little endian machine) and 48 more definitions. Each instrument definition is 28 bytes containing data for an Adlib channel composed of two operators. Instrument Definitions An instrument definition has the following fields, each 1 byte long: offset | description | values ----------+---------------------------+-------------- 0h | op 1 key scaling | 0 - 3 1h | op 1 frequency modulation | 0 - 15 2h | channel feedback | 0 - 7 3h | op 1 attack rate | 0 - 15 4h | op 1 sustain level | 0 - 15 5h | op 1 envelope generator | true, false 6h | op 1 decay rate | 0 - 15 7h | op 1 release rate | 0 - 15 8h | op 1 amplitude | 0 - 63 9h | op 1 amplitude modulation | true, false Ah | op 1 vibrato | true. false Bh | op 1 keyboard scale rate | true, false Ch | algorithm (reversed) | 0, 1 Dh | op 2 key scaling | 0 - 3 Eh | op 2 frequency modulation | 0 - 15 Fh | unused | 10h | op 2 attack rate | 0 - 15 11h | op 2 sustain level | 0 - 15 12h | op 2 envelope generator | true, false 13h | op 2 decay rate | 0 - 15 14h | op 2 release rate | 0 - 15 15h | op 2 amplitude | 0 - 63 16h | op 2 amplitude modulation | true, false 17h | op 2 vibrato | true. false 18h | op 2 keyboard scale rate | true, false 19h | unused | 1Ah | op 1 waveform | 0 - 3 1Bh | op 2 waveform | 0 - 3 Note that the sense of the algorithm field is switched. A value of 0 means that the two operators are in synthesis while a value of 1 means that operator 1 modulates operator 2. Revision history Revision 1 - Mar. 11, 2002 - First release of the specification